
Is your money working as hard as it could?

The aim of investing is simple. You want to stay ahead of inflation and get a better return on your savings.

If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do. But it’s far better to invest with purpose and a plan.

How we can help

Successful investing takes time.

We work with you to create and maintain a successful investment strategy designed to meet your needs – now, and in the future.

If you’re interested in impact, sustainable or ethical investing, we can help with that too.

We help people invest for the long term. However, we appreciate that life is unpredictable, so we aim to build flexibility into everything we do.

Ready to get your money working harder?

Case Study

A couple's investment planning journey

Investing and investment planning involves having the answers to some big questions, such as:

  • What do I want my money to achieve for me?
  • When will I need capital or income from my funds?
  • Am I looking to benefit others from my investment strategy?
  • What level of risk am I comfortable taking?
  • What events could affect my plans considerably?

These are the questions many clients ask.  One couple in particular had large cash holdings which were attracting low rates of interest. They had ISAs and pensions but were under the impression that ISAs and pensions were ‘bad investments’.  They hadn’t really thought about the type of income they would look to draw in retirement, which was only 10 years away! As business owners they weren’t aware of the tax efficient ways they could move money from their business into their personal investments, nor had they thought about what their income might look like in the event of either of them passing away.

By sitting down with one of our advisers they took the time to discuss their objectives and priorities. Using our cash flow analysis tool we also ran projections as to what their investments could return between now and retirement, giving them greater clarity and a plan. 

A goal without a plan is simply a wish!

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Make your money work harder for you.

Put your existing pensions in order or set up a new one.

Put your wealth to the best possible use.

Save for

Make your money work harder for you.

Talk about

Put your existing pensions in order or set up a new one.

Invest an

Put your wealth to the best possible use.

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